The perfect bathroom

Maybe people think that an ideal bathroom must have a luxurious Jacuzzi or a spa like comfort in it but it is true that a simple bathroom can also give you the same comfort. Your bathroom has the ability to actually make your day.

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Maybe people think that an ideal bathroom must have a luxurious Jacuzzi or a spa like comfort in it but it is true that a simple bathroom can also give you the same comfort. Your bathroom has the ability to actually make your day.
Airy, spacious, clean and hygienic bathroom is all we need to start our perfect day. As you heard people say bathroom is known to be the place where intellectual people like to spend their time with their thoughts like the tale of ancient scholar Archimedes made a discovery on the volume of water inside his bathtub.
Bathroom can be made to be efficient and beautiful at the same time. Planning and designing a new bathroom or remodeling one that already exists, needs some expert suggestion and careful execution. Remember managing many things at the same time like plumbing, framing, light and faucet fitting, tiling and painting can be altogether very expensive.
There are basically two ways by which you can remodel your bathroom. First you can make a few cosmetic changes. In this you can apply step by step method which is not very expensive. Second you completely tear down the old one and replace it with the new one. Finishing the whole project at one go strategy is generally adopted while taking this method. However, this depends on time, space and your budget most definitely. You may require a spare bathroom to use when you are doing up an old one.

1. Bathroom flooring must not have too much slippery therefore while selecting the tiles keep this in mind. 2. Make a list of new walls that need to be built, old ones that need to be demolished and partition walls that need to be introduced for increased privacy. 3. Imagine after the first night in your home sweet home, you head to your lovely, dimly-lit bathroom for a shower and you hit your elbow on the wash basin, which you failed to notice. While selecting the lighting for you bathroom keep this in mind that the lighting should not be too dim. 4. Bathrooms have become quite important because this is where all our grooming products lie such as toilet paper, hair dryers, shavers, shampoos, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Cosmetics and skin-care products can be kept in drawers, there are larger items that can't quite fit. To store away hairdryers and hairsprays, it's worth selecting a vanity that has a deep drawer or shelf.
5. Work sites are usually dusty and dirty so make sure you block all doorways to adjacent rooms with plastic so dust doesn't sneak into other areas of your home.
6. In a small bathroom, a normal hinged door can be a real space invader. During the renovation, consider a sliding door that's hidden in an in-wall cavity, creating a clean, designer look.
7. To ensure adequate ventilation, make sure windows can cross-ventilate and install an exhaust fan. The exhaust fan needs to vent the moist air to the outside of the home; otherwise it could cause problems in the roof space.
8. When selecting paint, make sure it's able to handle the moisture levels. Semi-gloss or gloss paints with a mould inhibitor are a good choice.


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